Friday, January 28, 2011

so new york finally forced me to buy snow boots.

my dainty Loeffler Randall rain booties were not cutting it up here in the tundra. i fought the mad crowds yesterday in the outdoor stores and finally found my size in this Sorel boot. kind of cute kind of not. but nonetheless i am no longer afraid of snow mountains and deep black puddles.
thank you sorel.


  1. Hi from Minnesota! I'm Anne-Marie and I'm a friend and student of your Aunt Claire. I love your blog! I also love your boots. I have a pair just like them. The nice thing about Sorels is that in the spring when you can take them off, you feel so light.

  2. thanks so much anne-marie! i love what you said! such a great way to look at it :)

  3. Yeah, Liz, they're really cute on the top and sort of Van-looking on the bottom, but you can work 'em like a fashion diva, I know!
